Monday, June 17, 2013

Three television thriller... Black people brainwash

In South Africa we have 3 television channels. S.A.B.C. 1,2 and 3.

SABC 1 is a black channel
SABC 2 is an Afrikaans channel
SABC 3 is an English channel

Now the English channel mostly plays educational programs and most of the people on it look smart and the soapies are not really bad.

The Afrikaans channel is also educational and the soapies do not devalue women

Then you get the black channel. The black channel plays mind dumbing reality shows and the soapies devalue women.

Now what is the outcome?

Afrikaans and English people are in good relationships, most of them anyway. They dont really care about expensive clothes and they even walk barefoot in town. To them small things do not really matter.

Then you get the black youth. Most of them are in useless relationships and those useless relationships are the only things on their minds. Just go on Facebook you'll see it for yourself. Now lets not even mention the muggin pictures and the colour blocking topics.

Now let me tell how this happens.

If I were to visit your crib and then write my name on your Walls. If I leave and then come back 8 months later we would both not remember that my name was there. However if I put an image on your walls and then come back 8 months later we would both remember the image because images are stronger than words. 

Now let me give you another example. If you see an alcohol advert and the person in the advert is happy, the words underneath the person will not matter. Which is why alcohol adverts warn us about alcohol but then show people who are happy drinking alcohol. When you see that the image will play in your head and you will think you need alcohol in order to be truly happy and anyone who tells you to stop will be like that line. 

Let me give you one more example. Lets say you are 6 years old and on television you see an uneducated black person who cannot speak English. That image will stay in your head and you will grow up believing that black people who cannot speak English are uneducated even though there are thousands of people with degrees who cannot speak English. Even worse its only black people who care if they can speak English or not.

This is how television misleads the black youth. They show us destructive images to confuse us. Now, if you spend 6 hours everyday watching television by the time you are 60 years old you would have wasted 10-15 years of your life watching television so becareful. Watch television but remember Books are your best friends. Peace.

Tsepo Phokeng

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